Julie Miesionczek


Photo by Eric Westpheling

Photo by Eric Westpheling

I’m an independent editor focusing on fiction and select narrative nonfiction projects. I work closely with writers to strengthen, tighten, and polish their manuscripts no matter the eventual goal, be it self-publishing, landing an agent or major book deal, or printing out just enough copies for family and friends.

I spent nearly a decade in trade publishing, where I learned that my favorite part of the process is developing a strong and collaborative relationship with authors during the editorial stage. Every manuscript can benefit from a good editor’s close attention, and working with a good editor can be an invaluable experience for writers of all backgrounds, from those just starting out to those with a hefty backlist.

Previous Experience:

Doubleday Broadway, Random House, Inc.

The Crown Publishing Group, Random House, Inc. 

Pamela Dorman Books/Viking, an imprint of Penguin Group (USA)

Viking, an imprint of Penguin Random House


The University of Chicago: Master of Arts degree in the Humanities with a concentration in Creative Writing

The George Washington University: Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature, Magna Cum Laude; Honors and English Honors Programs; awarded the Presidential Academic Scholarship

Oxford University: Pembroke College Fellowship 


Edited Titles: